Exquisite Fruit Cream Cake

Exquisite Fruit Cream Cake

Exquisite Fruit Cream Cake


Vanilla sponge cake:

310 g eggs (5-6)
150 g sugar
Pinch of salt
7.5 ml vanilla extract
38 g honey
60 g milk
187 g plain flour
60 g unsalted butter

White chocolate ganache:

120 g white chocolate
120 g cream
25 g condensed milk
50 g sugar
80 g mascarpone
5 ml cherries (alcohol optional)
600 g cold cream
Fruits for decoration: strawberries, kiwi
, mango, blueberry, mandarin
Crunchy and fragrant peanut brittle
For the syrup:
35 g sugar
50 g water
2.5 g kirsch (alcohol optional)

Exquisite Fruit Cream Cake

Exquisite Fruit Cream Cake


To make the syrup:
Combine the water and sugar. Place in a microwave-safe bowl and heat until the sugar has dissolved. If using kirsch, add and stir.
To prepare the cake:
Preheat the oven to 165 °C.
Sift together the flour, sugar and salt. In a separate bowl, melt the butter and mix with the milk, honey and vanilla extract. Mix with dry ingredients.
Whisk eggs until combined. Pour into desired shape (circle or square according to instructions).
Bake for 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
For the Ganache:
Melt white chocolate and mix with cream, condensed milk, sugar and mascarpone. Add cherries if desired. Whip the cold cream to soft peaks and fold into the chocolate mixture.
Assemble the cake:
Once the cake has cooled, cut it horizontally if desired and spread a layer of ganache on it. If sliced, place another layer of cake on top.
Garnish with various fruits and sprinkle with crushed peanut brittle.
Finishing touches:
Before serving, pour the prepared syrup over the cake to add moisture and flavor.
Prep time: 30 minutes | Cook time: 40 minutes | Total time: 1 hour 10 minutes

Calories: No information | Serving size: 12

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